
Programming Language Concept (4)

Book : Concept of Programming Language

Page 199
Review Question
1.  What are three reasons why syntax analyzers are based on grammars?
First, using BNF descriptions of the syntax of programs are clear and concise. Second, can be used as the direct basis for the syntax analyzer. Third, implementations based on BNF are relatively easy to maintain because of their modularity.

2. Explain three reasons why lexical analysis is separated from syntax analysis.
-       Simplicity (Techniques for lexical analysis are less complex than those required for syntax analysis)
-       Efficiency (Although it pays to optimize the lexical analyzer, because lexical analysis requires a significant portion of total compilation time)
-       Portability (Because the lexical analyzer reads input program files and often includes buffering of that input, it is somewhat platform dependent)

3. Define lexeme and token.
Lexeme is the logical groupings that the lexical analyzer collects characters into and Token is the internal codes for categories of these groupings.

5. Describe briefly the three approaches to building a lexical analyzer.
-       Write a formal description of the token patterns of the language using a descriptive language related to regular expression.
-       Design a state transition diagram that describes the token patterns of the language and write a program that implements the diagram.
-       Design a state transition diagram that describes the token patterns of the language and hand-construct a table-driven implementation of the state diagram.

6. What is a state transition diagram?
A state transition diagram is a directed graph which the representations of a class of mathematical machine that used for lexical analyzers.

8. What are the two distinct goals of syntax analysis?
Two distinct goals of syntax analysis are to detect syntax errors in a given program and to produce a parse tree or possibly the information required to build such a tree for a given program.

17. Describe the pairwise disjointness test.
The pairwise test try to test whether a parsing subprogram can determine which RHS is being parsed on the basis of the next token of input.

18. What is left factoring?
Left factoring is the action taken when a grammar leads backtracking while marking parsing or syntax tree.

23. Describe three advantages of LR parsers.

Three advantages of LR parsers are:
-        They can be built for all programming languages.
-       They can detect syntax errors as soon as it possible in a left-to-right scan.
-       The LR class of grammars is a proper superset of the class parsable by LL parsers.

Page 200
Problem Set
1. Perform the pairwise disjointness test for the following grammar rules.
a. A → aB | b | cBB
b. B → aB | bA | aBb
c. A → aaA | b | caB
(a) FIRST(aB) = {a}, FIRST(b) = {b}, FIRST(cBB) = {c}, Passes the test
(b) FIRST(aB) = {a}, FIRST(bA) = {b}, FIRST(aBb) = {a}, Fails the test
(c) FIRST(aaA) = {a}, FIRST(b) = {b}, FIRST(caB) = {c}, Passes the test

3. Show a trace of the recursive descent parser given in Section 4.4.1 for the string a + b * c.
a + b * c
Call lex /* returns a */
Enter <expr>
Enter <term>
Enter <factor>
Call lex /* returns + */
Exit <factor>
Exit <term>
Call lex /* returns b */
Enter <term>
Enter <factor>
Call lex /* returns * */
Exit <factor>
Call lex /* returns c */
Enter <factor>
Call lex /* returns end-of-input */
Exit <factor>
Exit <term>
Exit <expr>

5. Given the following grammar and the right sentential form, draw a parse tree and show the phrases and simple phrases, as well as the handle.
S → aAb | bBa  A → ab | aAb  B → aB | b
a. aaAbb
b. bBab
c. aaAbBb

7. Show a complete parse, including the parse stack contents, input string, and action for the string id * (id + id) , using the grammar and parse table in Section 4.5.3.
id * (id + id) $
Shift 5
* (id + id) $
Reduce 6 (Use GOTO[0, F])
* (id + id) $
Reduce 4 (Use GOTO[0, T])
* (id + id) $
Reduce 2 (Use GOTO[0, E])
(id + id) $
Shift 7
id + id ) $
Shift 4
+ id ) $
Shift 5
+ id ) $
Reduce 6 (Use GOTO[4, F])
+ id ) $
Reduce 4 (Use GOTO[4, T])
+ id ) $
Reduce 2 (Use GOTO[4, E])
id ) $
Shift 6
) $
Shift 5
) $
Reduce 6 (Use GOTO[6, F])
) $
Reduce 4 (Use GOTO[6, T])
) $
Reduce 1 (Use GOTO[4, E])
Shift 11
Reduce 5 (Use GOTO[7, F])
Reduce 5 (Use GOTO[0, T])
Reduce 2 (Use GOTO[0, E])

Programming Language Concept (3)

Book : Concept of Programming Language

Page 162
Review Questions
1. Define syntax and semantics?
Syntax is concerned with the structure of language. Syntax is a matter of the logical or grammatical form of sentences, rather than what they refer to or mean. Semantics is concerned with the meaning of words and sentences. Semantics is a matter of the content or meaning of sentences, often in relation to their truth and falsehood.

4. Describe the operation of a general language recognizer?
A general language recognizer is a recognition device capable of reading strings of characters from the alphabet. It would analyze the given string and it would either accept or reject the string based from the language given. These recognition devices are like filters separating correct sentences from those that are incorrectly. A recognizer is used in the syntax analysis part of the compiler. In this role, the recognizer need not test all possible strings of characters from some set to determine whether each is in the language. The syntax analyzer just determines whether the given programs are syntactically correct.

6. Define a left-recursive grammar rule.
A grammar rule has its LHS also appearing at the beginning of its RHS.

8. Distinguish between static and dynamic semantics
Static semantic of a language is only indirectly related to the meaning of program during execution; rather it has to do with the legal forms of programs (syntax rather than semantics). Many static semantic rules of a language state its type constraints. Static semantics is so named because the analysis is required to check these specification can be done at compile time.
Dynamic semantics is the meaning of the expression, statements, and program units of a programming language.

14. Why can machine languages not be used to define statements in operational semantics?
Because the individual steps in the execution of machine language and the resulting changes to the state of machine are too small and too numerous.

15. Describe the two levels of uses of operational semantics.
Natural Operational Semantics : At the highest level, the interest is in the final result of the execution of a complete program.
Structural Operational Semantics : At the lowest level, operational semantics can be used to determine the precise meaning of a program through an examination of the complete sequence of state changes that occur when the program is executed.

18. Which semantics approach is most widely known?
Denotational semantics

20. Which part of an inference rule is the antecedent?
if the truth of S in the top part of an inference rule

28. What is the use of the wp function? why it is called a predicate transformer?
the use of the wp function is to treat the process of producing a weakest precondition as a function. it is called a predicate transformer because it takes a predicate, or assertion, as a parameter and returns another predicate.

29. Give the difference between total corectness and partial correctness.
Total correctness : loop termination can be shown
Partial correctness : loop conditions that can be met but termination is not guaranteed

Page 163
Problem Set
3. Rewrite the BNF of Example 3.4 to represent operator – and operator / instead of operator + and operator *
<assign> -> <id> = <expr>
<expr> -> <expr> * <term> | <term>
<term> = <factor> + <term> | <factor>
<factor> -> (<expr>) | <id>

13. write a grammar for the language consisting of strings that have n copies of the letter a followed by double the number of copies of the letter b, where n >0. For example the strings abb, aabbbb, and aaabbbbbb are in the language but, a, aabb, ba, and aaabb are not.
S-> aSb |ab

18. what is a fully attributed parse tree?
if all the attributed values in a parse tree have been computed. a parse tree of an attributed grammar is the parse tree based on its underlying BNF grammar, with a possibly empty set of attribute values attached to each node.

23.  Compute the weakest precondition for each of the followeing assignment statements and postconditions.
a) a = 2 * (b-1) – 1 {a-0}
2 * (b-1) -1 >0
2 * b-2-1 >0
2 * b > 3
b > 3/2
b) b = (c+10) / 3{b>6}
(c+10) / 3 > 6
c +10 > 18
c > 8

24. Compute the weakest precondition for each of the following sequences of assignment statements and their postcondition
a. a= 2*b+1
b=a-3 {b<0}
we have:
a=2*b+1 {a<3}
b. a= 3*(2*b+a)
b= 2*a-1 {b>5}
we have:
a= 3*(2*b+a) {a>3}

Programming Language Concept (2)

Book : Concept of Programming Language

Page 107
Review Question
1.In what year was Plankalkul designed?In what year was that design published?
Plankalkul was designed in 1945, published in 1972.

2.Mention an interesting feature of Zuse’s programs.
Inclusion of mathematical expressions showing the current relationships between program

3.What does Plankalkul means?
Program Calculus.

4.Speedcoding was invented to overcome two significant shortcomings of the computer hardware of the early 1950s. What were they?
Two significant shortcomings in 1950’s that was overcome by Speedcoding were lacking of floating-point arithmetic operations and lacking of indexing of some sort to allow the convenient use of arrays.

5.What is the number of bits in a single word of the UNIVAC I’s memory?How are they grouped?
Words of UNIVAC I’s memory had 72 bits, grouped as 12 six-bit bytes.

8.Who developed short code?Why is short code called automatic programming?
Short code was developed by John Mauchly. It was called automatic programming because it simplified the programming process although spent more execution time.

10.What was the most significant feature added to Fortran I to get Fortran II?
The most significant feature added to Fortran I to get Fortran II is the independent compilation of subroutines.

11.What control flow statements were added to Fortran IV to get Fortran 77?
Character string handling, logical loop control statement and an if without an optional else clause were added to Fortran IV to get Fortran 77.

12.Which version of Fortran was the first to have any sort of dynamic variables?
Fortran 90 is the first version of Fortran which support dynamic variables.

13.Which version of Fortran was the first to have character string handling?
The first version of Fortran supporting character string handling is Fortran 77.

14.Why were linguists interested in artificial intelligence in the late 1950s?
Because they were concerned with natural language processing, when in 1950’s, there are only computers with computation based on numeric data in arrays.

16.In what way are Scheme and Common LISP opposites of each other?
Scheme is characterized by its small size and its exclusive use of static scoping, while Common LISP is characterized by its large and complex language, but has pure LISP basis and allowance to both static scoping and dynamic scoping.

17.What dialect of LISP is used for introductory programming courses at
some universities?
Scheme is mostly used for courses in functional programming.

18.What two professional organizations together designed ALGOL 60?
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and German acronym for Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) are the two companies which started to design ALGOL 60

Page 109
Problem Set
2.Determine the capabilities of Short Code, and compare them with those of contemporary programmable hand calculator.
Short Code is capable of making multiplication without multiplication code needed, just put two operands side-by-side. Besides, it also uses pure interpreter to run itself. Comparing to a contemporary programmable hand calculator, surely Short Code will do the calculations slower than the calculator because Short Code uses interpreter. Short Code offers simpler syntax to do multiplication, however.

9.Why did Fortran allow names that began with I,J,K,L,M,N as implicitly integer type?
Because in that day, scientist often used the variable I,J,K to refer to their integer in their work in science. Moreover, Fortran was built for scientific application, therefore, in order to give more comforts to users (scientists), it allows those variables.

10.The most important new developments of ALGOL 60 are:
a.The concept of block structure was introduced
b.Two different means of passing parameters to subprograms were allowed : pass by value and pass by name
c.Procedures were allowed to be recursive
d.Stack-dynamic arrays were allowed

11.Was IBM’s assumption, on which it based its decision to develop PL/I, correct, given the history of computers and language developments since 1964?
The assumption is correct because in that 1970’s, PL/I is widely used for both business and scientific applications although it suffers a lot in previous years and afterwards.

15.Are there any nonprocedural programming languages other than Prolog?
Yes there are some nonprocedural languages other than Prolog, for example, Visual Basic, SQL.

25.Give a brief general description of the Java Servlet.
Servlet is an instance of a Java class that resides on and is executed on a Web server system for form processing purpose and database access purpose. The execution of servlet is requested by a markup document displayed by Web browser. Then the request is processed by servlet container in the Web server. Lastly, the output of it is returned to the Web browser again.


Programming Language Concept (1)

Book : Concept of Programming Language

Page 52
Review Questions
1. Why is it useful for a programmer to have some background in language design, even though he or she may never actually design a programming language?
To increased capacity to express ideas; improved background for choosing
appropriate languages; increased ability to learn new languages; better understanding of
the significance of implementation; better use of languages that are already known; and
overall advancement of computing.

2. How can knowledge of programming language characteristic benefits the whole computing community?
Knowledge of programming language benefiting the whole computing community. People can solve their own problems so troubleshooters lose their jobs and it will reduce the number of common sense-lacking questions.

3. What programming language has dominated scientific computing over the last 50 years?

4. What programming language has dominated scientific business applications over the last 50 years?

5. What programming language has dominated artificial intelligence over the last 50 years?

6. What language is most of UNIX written?

Page 53
Problem Set
1. Do you believe that solving problem in a particular algorithmic step require programming language skill? Support your opinion.
Not really.... The definition of "Algorithm" is step by step instruction to do something, and it is something that we learn on daily basis and often used unconciously (like when you want to make tea, take the tea bag, take a glass, put the tea bag into the glass, pour hot water, wait 1 min, take out the tea bag, pour lukewarm water, but most people "just do it")

2. Who is said to be the first programmer in human history? Use the internet for help.
Ada Lovelace.

3. What are the disadvantages of multiple programming languages?
It will be confusing. Each programming language has their own way to write, their own library, and many more "their own". People who learn multiple language would often mistaken one language's command for another.

4. In what way do the languages for scientific application differ from the languages for business application? Support your view.
From the start their goal is different, thus the requirement is different by proxy.

Business applications often need to be able to create reports of different and sometimes elaborate
formats. They need to be able to represent data in a human understandable way, as well as need “precise
ways of describing and storing decimal numbers, and character data.”

Scientific applications typically need simple data structures and arrays, and many floating point operations.
This would be typical of a program that performs matrix manipulation. When performing matrix
manipulation you want both fast floating point calculations, and to be able to load as much data into
memory at once as possible since I/O operations are costly.

6. Which characteristic of programming languages do you think are the most important and why?
Error Checking. Because I do not wish to stare at the computer for hours just for looking at one mistake from hundreds of code line.

7. Java uses a semicolon to mark the end of all statements. What are the advantages for and against this design?
The advantages is that t makes it easy to know where the statement ends, while the disadvantages is that sometimes people forgot to put it in and the whole thing stop working